We’ve teamed up with Leading Irish Universities and Research Centres to develop SnoreWatch, a new, revolutionary app. SnoreWatch records, monitors, and analyses snoring, helping you to understand your sleeping patterns, and begin to improve your sleep. Place your phone beside your bed with the microphone facing where you sleep, ensuring that it is charging and not being blocked by anything.

Choose which factors are affecting your sleep.

Take control of your recording.


View Your SleepCount.

View your history and spot trends.

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How & where do I position my device?
SnoreWatch is sensitive to device placement, and will record louder and more accurate readings when the device is closer to the user. We recommend placing the device on bedside locker with the microphone facing the user. If this is not possible the phone can be placed on the bed, with care taken not to cover the microphone. If you are using the app to compare snoring between nights, be sure to always position the device in the same direction for consistent readings.
Do I have to keep my device charging over night?
Yes, the phone needs to be plugged in throughout the night.
Can I lock the device screen while using the app?
When SnoreWatch begins recording the screen will stay unlocked. Once you start the recording, place the phone face down, so the screen brightness does not disrupt your sleep. We are working hard for the next version of the app which will allow the user to close their phone while recording.
Can I delete sound files?
Yes, the user can always delete overnight recordings which will delete the sound file.
Can I share sound files?
Yes, there is an export function. Located on the top right on each individual recording screen. This function automatically brings you to an email where you can export the data of the recording in .json and .csv format. We are working to provide the physical sound recording in the next version.
Can I record two snorers simultaneously?
No. This is not advised. The app will pick up on the sounds in the room and categorise the level of sound (decibels) to calculate the average snore score. The app does not differentiate between people. Therefore, the average will be off. However, for listening purposes – when you playback the recording you would be able to hear both snorers.